Track Log for Baring20

Date: May 28, 2020 Hikers: Mark Hastings

Well I needed a good hike for my 500th hike, so I decided something a little challenging, Mt Baring. The first 1700’ vertical is almost straight up a steep hillside to warm up your muscles. Once across and over the ridge you break out into a big snow gulley up to a saddle. There is a snow wall at 60 to 70 degrees that you need to climb with some exposure. From there only about 400’ more vertical to the summit with a great view. I brought my small drone this time to get some cool shots and some video.

  First view of the summit from near the trail head  Both peaks and the big gulley      Down the other side  From the drone  Barclay Lake  View to the West and the approach ridge   Up the middle, exposure on right is a couple thousand feet.  Yes, the climb is that steep  A little ways further  Looking west  Don't look down!     At the summit    Merchant Peak  Gunn Peak  The south peak  4000 feet down to the lake     Gunn peak on right  Persis   Yes been a while since a haircut   Boot shot      I have to go back down that!    I made it!     Down through the trees

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