Track Log for Vesper, Wolf and Sperry Peaks
Vesper, Wolf and Sperry Peaks

Date: Aug 15, 2020 Hikers: Mark Hastings

If the weather is clear, the Vesper Peak area always provides amazing views. I first climbed to the Vesper Peak summit and the plan was to head to Sperry Peak next. On the Vesper summit I met Austin and Riley who were thinking of heading to Sperry as well, but tagging Wolf Peak as well. Eventually they convinced me to tag Wolf Peak as well. So the three of us set off to do the Vesper Triple Crown (Vesper, Wolf, and Sperry). The three of us had a great time finding a route up Sperry Peak and back down to the lake.

 Headlee Pass  Vesper Peak  Looking down from Headlee Pass     Lake outlet  Lake still frozen     Just a little ways further   Copper Lake  Mt Pilchuck  White Chuck  Mt Pugh  Copper Lake, see the helicopter  Delcampo and Gothic Peaks  Sperry Peak from Vesper   Three Fingers and White Horse   Rainier  Wolf Peak  People heading up Vesper   Wolf Peak   Ridge to Big Four  North face of Vesper, see the rock climbers?       Snow Yoga?  Vesper and Wolf  Glacier and Sloan Peaks  Looking down from Sperry Peak  Monte Cristo area    More snow Yoga          Blue Ice             Austin coming up Wolf Peak  Riley on Wolf Peak  Austin and Riley   Me on Wolf Peak    Snow Yoga?  Me taking a picture of Austin and Riley taking pictures  Not a good shortcut     Route

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